Maintenance Tips – Keep Your Roof Looking New
There’s no question that a new roof is an investment.
Maintenance is very important in order to get the longest life out of it.
Roof systems can last a very long time with the proper care. Maintaining a roof is relatively simple, and it’s definitely easier to prevent issues than to fix something that’s already become a problem. Whether you have a shingle, torch on, or metal roof, the maintaining process is relatively similar.
Here are a few tips on keeping your roof at its best.
Regular cleaning and clearing of debris from your roof is vital to preventing buildup, paying attention to things like skylights, the flashing, and gutters. With a torch on roof, clearing vegetation with a leaf blower is the most efficient way, using caution when stepping on the roof. It may be a good idea to hire a professional to get on the roof and clear debris, algae, and moss if you notice a buildup.
You can reduce the amount of debris falling onto your roof by clearing overhanging vegetation.
It’s important to inspect your roof at least twice a year, or more often if your area is prone to strong wind storms. You want to look for discrepancies in the shingles, flashing, and installations such as vents and chimneys. If you notice anything out of the ordinary it’s best to call in a professional who can inspect the roof more closely and decide the best plan of action.
Also, don’t neglect your attic – that’s another spot you want to check because that’s the first place you’ll notice a leak.